IFOM Stefano Casola Lab

Stefano Casola Lab


Stefano Casola

Molecular oncologist and expert in the study of B-lymphocytes and lymphomas, Stefano Casola directs the unit of Genetics of B cells and lymphomas at IFOM.
At age 24, Casola graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University Federico II of Naples. He had one goal in mind: understanding cancer. This drive led him in 1997 to the Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany where he worked at the forefront under the mentorship of prominent immunologist Klaus Rajewsky. read more

Contact the researcher

Genetics of B Cells and Lymphomas

The pool of peripheral B lymphocytes is established through an ordered set of molecular events initiated in the bone marrow with the assembly on the surface of the cells of a functional, non-autoimmune, B cell antigen receptor (BCR) complex. Expression and signaling through the BCR is essential for developing B cells to differentiate respectively into follicular, marginal zone or B-1 B cells, each of these subsets displaying a specific effector function. read more

Laboratory location: Milan, Italy

Recent publications

  • Casola S, Perucho L, Tripodo C, Sindaco P, Ponzoni M, Facchetti F.
    The B cell receptor in control of tumor B cell fitness: biology and clinical relevance.
    Immunol. Rev. 2019.

  • Vernieri C, Pusceddu S, Fucà G, Indelicato P, Centonze G, Castagnoli L, Ferrari E, Ajazi A, Pupa S, Casola S, Foiani M, Mazzaferro V, Pruneri G, Milione M, de Braud F.
    Impact of systemic and tumor lipid metabolism on everolimus efficacy in advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs).
    Int J Cancer. 2018 Dec 5. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32042. PubMed PMID: 30520016.

  • Riboni M, Minardi S, Pujol R, Azzollini J, Peissel B, Manoukian S, De Vecchi G, Casola S, Hauke J, Richters L, Rhiem K, Schmutzler RK, Wallander K, Törngren T, Borg Å, Radice P, Surrallés J, Hahnen E, Ehrencrona H, Kvist A, Benitez J, Peterlongo P.
    Individuals with FANCM biallelic mutations do not develop Fanconi anemia, but show risk for breast cancer, chemotherapy toxicity and may display chromosome fragility.
    Genet Med. 2017 Aug 24. doi: 10.1038/gim.2017.123. PubMed PMID: 28837162.

Group members

Post Doc
Giampaolo Sabrina
Mainoldi Federica
Guest researcher
Varano Gabriele
PhD students
Garzon Daniel
Ranise Cecilia
Undergraduate Student
Selvaresa Viveka
Alumni (with current affiliations)
Marieta Caganova (Max Delbrueck Center, Berlin, Germany)
Federica Zanardi (IFOM, The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, Italy)
Federica Alberghini (Merck Group)
Mahshid Rahmat (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA)
Giulia Fragola (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
Rashmi Kumar (CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology,Chandigarh, India)
Gabriele Varano (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA)
Valentina Petrocelli (Chemotherapeutisches Forschungszentrum "Georg-Speyer-Haus", Frankfurt, Germany)
Luana D'Artista (University of Tuebingen, Germany)
Chiara Carrisi
Serena Bologna
Lurdes Duarte
Temporary Fellow
Carlassara Enrico
(update: June 2022)

IFOM Review

Lymphomas: the backstage of the research that highlights their complexity and recommends the use of combined therapies
Commentary on Varano et al. "The B-cell receptor controls fitness of MYC-driven lymphoma cells via GSK3β inhibition", Nature 2017, 546:302-6. by Klaus Rajewsky
Germinal center dysregulation by histone methyltransferase EZH2 promotes lymphomagenesis
Commentary on Stefano Casola's paper published onThe Journal of Clinical Investigation, by Riccardo Dalla-Favera (2014)
Cell Reprogramming Requires Silencing of a Core Subset of Polycomb Targets
Commentary on Stefano Casola's paper published on PLoS genetics, by Gustavo Mostoslavsky (2014)
complete review

In the press

Come provare a far tornare i cervelli in fuga

2014.11.10 | Sandro Iannaccone

Animali e Medicina. Un topo ci salverà
L'Eco di Bergamo


L'incontro di BergamoScienza
Il Corriere della Sera - Ed. Bergamo


La Provincia
Tutti invitati alla festa della scienza

2014.10.02 | Marco Cambiaghi

Tutti invitati alla festa della scienza
La Provincia

2014.10.02 | Marco Cambiaghi

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