IFOM Marco Foiani Lab

Marco Foiani Lab


Marco Foiani

A molecular biologist by training, Marco Foiani heads the genome integrity research lab at IFOM. Marco obtained his Ph.D is molecular and cell biology in 1988 from University of Milan under Prof. Paolo Plevani. After a short stint as a post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Prof. Plevani and G. Lucchini, in 1989, Marco moved to the lab of Dr. Alan Hinnebush at NIH-NICHD, Bethesda in the USA for his post-doctoral studies and remained there till 1991. read more

Contact the researcher

Genome Integrity

Broad focus of our research is on cellular pathways which maintain genomic integrity in response to various stressors ranging from intrinsic topological stress due to conflicts between replication and transcription or extrinsic mechanical stress exerted by cytoskeletal or extracellular matrix forces. read more

Laboratory location: Milan, Italy

Recent publications

Group members

Staff Scientist
Ajazi Arta
Ferrari Elisa
Lucca Chiara
Post Doc
Choudhary Ramveer
Purushothaman Divya
Ribeiro Priscila Rafaela
Post Doc - Guest
Bastianello Giulia
Guest Researcher
Munoz Manuel
PhD student
Haddad Eugenia
Lowndes Conor Patrick
Porcella Giancarlo
Sanjeevamurthy Chaitra
Undergraduate Student
Cuzzocrea Giulia

(update: Apr 2022)

IFOM Review

"An entirely new perspective in which chromosomes are considered as mechanical objects"
Commentary on Marco Foiani's paper published in Cell, by Nancy Kleckner (2015)
The role of senataxin in cancer and ALS
Commentary on Marco Foiani and Giordano Liberi's paper published on Cell, by Giuseppe Biamonti (2013)
complete review

In the press

AIRC festeggia il mezzo secolo con l'anno record della ricerca

Il Corriere della Sera - Ed. Milano | Giovanni Caprara

Il Nobel che guida la ricerca sul DNA anche a Milano
Il Corriere della Sera

2015.10.08 | Giovanni Caprara

Parla milanese il Nobel Lindahl, è presidente del comitato Ifom
Il Corriere della Sera - ed On Line

2015.10.07 | Giovanni Caprara | URL

Il diapason che sente vibrare le cellule e le rende plastiche


Una proteina diapason dona plasticità alle cellule
Ansa - Scienza e Tecnica


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